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Push Post missing data

i am missing information when i receive data via Push POST

"deviceRegKey": "xxxxxxxx",
"appVersion": "1.2.2",
"os": "Android",
"timeZone": "xxxxxx",
"language": "it",
"publicKey": "xxxxxx",
"distribution": "playstore",
"appVersionCode": 74,
"deviceName": "xxxxxxxxx",
"platform": "android",
"osVersion": "10",
"carrierName": "xxxx",
"appId": "xxxxxxx",
"model": "xxxxxxxx",
"installationId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"hardware": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

instead of as reported in the documentation

oneSignalUserId: 'xxxxxxx',
oneSignalPushToken: 'xxxxxx',
oneSignalSubscribed: true,
oneSignalRequiresUserPrivacyConsent: false,
platform: 'ios',
appId: 'io.gonative.example',
appVersion: '1.0.0',
distribution: 'release',
hardware: 'armv8',
installationId: 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx',
language: 'en',
model: 'iPhone',
os: 'iOS',
osVersion: '10.3',
timeZone: 'America/New_York'

are missing for example

oneSignalUserId: 'xxxxxxx',
oneSignalPushToken: 'xxxxxx',
oneSignalSubscribed: true,
oneSignalRequiresUserPrivacyConsent: false,