Reset / change Play Store signing key

Hello, I have an issue when I try to publish one of my app in Play Store. Until last year, I published my app building it from your source code with my Android Studio on my dev machine, and everything worked well. Now I've decided to publish an updated version of my app to Play Store directly using your downloaded .AAB file, because it's quicker.
So I downloaded your .AAB file and published to Play Store, but I get the following error message:

Display desktop version of website

Hello all!

Simulator not working

For the past few days i am facing issue with the simulator. When i try to open an app in it to see how it works it freezes and doesn't even start. I feel frustrated and eventually have to download the app to try it on my phone but I have Android 7 phone so some apps I build doesn't work on it so I need to know if it works on upgraded android and for that the simulator doesn't run. What is the issue?


Web screenshot quality

How to increase web-screenshot quality?


IP whitelisting

Is there a way to get the median IP addresses for whitelisting on our firewall?


Html2canvas download button doesn't work

Html2canvas download button doesn't work .


New user - Download app links ?

Im a new user, just started today.
i see the Public Sharing Link, but when i go to the link, its got what looks like a web-based test area (thts not PUBLIC). ??


Signing key mismatch (App Bundle uploaded was signed with a different key than the one expected by Google Play)

I tried updating my published app on Google play store and i received this message below:
"Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your App Bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again. Your App Bundle is expected to be signed with the certificate with fingerprint."


eBook gives no internet error while read

Hi Guys,


multiple websites on different domains

Hello, we have multiple websites on different domains: .hu, .ro, .eu, .cz – a total of more than 15. However, they all have the same website with language variations. Is it possible to create and configure a single app per country, so that when the app is installed from the HU store, it uses the .hu domain, and for RO, it uses the .ro domain?