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Using existing Firebase App for Social Login Plugin


I'm trying to integrate the Social Login Plugin into my GoNative app.

I am already using Firebase Authentication to provide SSO login for users using the web version of the app.

I would like to use the existing Google Cloud project (and I think I might have to based on this doc as I plan to use the token from gonative to exchange for a token with Firebase)

But it already contains an Android OAuth 2.0 client ID, and 2 pre-existing web application client ids.

How do I know which of the web application client IDs to use?

The existing GoNative docs say:

Already have a Google OAuth client ID?

If you already have an existing Google OAuth client ID, go to Log into your account and skip to Step C2.

And they also mention Firebase Console users, but only this line (that I can see)


For Firebase Console users

If you use Firebase Console, make sure to configure the Support Email in Firebase Console > Settings > General > Public Settings > Support Email