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Issue changing link rules during runtime


I'm trying to modify the internal/external links during runtime.
Any configuration change that I do is only available after closing the APP and opening it again.

Steps to reproduce:
1.- Initially I set my configuration so all external links are opened outside the APP
2.- I click on a link to
3.- The link is opened in the brower and not in the APP
4.- I set all all links as external
5.- I click on a link to
6.- The link is opened in the brower and not in the APP
7.- I close the APP
8.- I open the APP
9.- I click on a a link to
10.- The link is opened in the APP

The JS call that I'm using to allow all links to be internal all:
var rulesArray = [
"id": 1,
"regex": ".*",
"internal": true
gonative.internalExternal.set({"rules": rulesArray});