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Force disable Top navigation bar on a specific page while keeping the AutoNewWindows Configuration

I am converting an application from bubble. I'm almost done and goNative has basically turned out to be the perfect and most flexible tool out there. However, I am stuck in one very unfortunate situation.

One of the pages (which is also part of the AutoNewWindows Navigation Levels on Level-2) is essentially a product page. It has a slider image on the top on which I have set up my own custom back button overlay. I also want that page to not have a any top navigation bar at all since the idea of that big slider image is that it contains a "transparent top navigation bar" which becomes visible when you scroll past that slider image.

Due to these reasons, I need the top navigation bar to disappear but at the same time, keep the smooth "Back" transaction when it goes to its corresponding Level-1 page. I experimented with tons of Javascript Bridge functionality but cannot find any way to force hide the top navigation bar without losing the Navigation Level configuration of that path. Is there a way to achieve this?

Relevant configuration:

  • The app is not built as a SPA
  • Top Navigation Bar > Display Mode: "Auto"
    • I believe this is the right path to look for. Currently, it has "Auto" or "Always". If I could just set it to "Never" just for that page. It should work, right?
  • Navigations Levels:
    • L1: Games List
    • L2: Game Detail Pages
    • L3: Join Game Page
  • No explicit top bar setting is provided in Configuration > Native Navigation page


  • Disabled contextual navbar on ios:
    • This is actually the bottom nav bar, so completely irrelevant
  • Javascript Bridge: Disable Sidebar navigation and Tab navigation
    • Does nothing since this page has neither of the two navigation menus
  • Javascript Bridge: Enable Fullscreen Mode:
    • Full screen mode apparently doesn't do anything one way or another on iOS
  • Javascript Bridge: Remove Dynamic Title configuration
    • I mean, obviously, it didn't work
  • Javascript Bridge: Set Status Bar Overlay to true
    • The app content goes up by ~100px with the top navigation bar actually on front
    • This is another way I think this could potentially be done. If there is a way to set layer-level (z-index or something) on the Top navigation bar, this could be done with a little bit of top margins on the bubble site

Please help me :( thanks