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How to do a local iOS build? The instructions and files provided are wrong

Yesterday I downloaded the source files from my GoNative project.

I installed Xcode, and opened the .xcworkspace file as directed.

I clicked the Run button in XCode and immediately got this error:

Pods-APPNAME.debug: undable to open configuration settings file

I attempted a pod install and got this error:

Analyzing dependencies
Cloning spec repo `gonativeio-gonative-specs` from `[email protected]:gonativeio/gonative-specs.git`
[!] Unable to add a source with url `[email protected]:gonativeio/gonative-specs.git` named `gonativeio-gonative-specs`.
You can try adding it manually in `/Users/chrisj/.cocoapods/repos` or via `pod repo add`.

This indicates the required pods are not in the downloaded files.

Also it appears the referenced Github repo doesn't exist or is not accessible.

The main reason I choise GoNative is that it provides native code. We need that as a backup / safety factor so we can always have recourse if there's a problem with GoNative build services, GN goes out of business etc.

We need the native build to work.

What do you suggest?