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Android 12 13


2 days ago we received the following email alert from Google Play. Our app will be unpublished if we don't do what Google Play says. What should we do in this situation? Is it enough to rebuild the application via and send an update to Google Play?

"Update your target API level by August 31, 2023 to ensure your app is available to new users
Muslim Hearts: Marriage Muslim Hearts: Marriage
18 Aug 2023 11:42

Your app has been detected to target an older version of Android. Google Play requires all apps to meet target API level requirements to provide users with a secure experience.

As of August 31, 2023, your app will not be available to new users running Android versions higher than the target API level, unless you are targeting an API level that is no more than 2 years prior to the last Android version.

Update your app to target Android 12 (API level 31) to ensure your app is available to new users."