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Opening a part of app with AppBrowser



I have part of my app build as a static HTML page and tring to open it with a AppBrowser.

Following is the setting I have in Link handling.

  "active": true,
  "rules": [
	  "mode": "external",
	  "label": "Non-web links",
	  "pagesToTrigger": "custom",
	  "regex": "^(?!https?://).*"
	  "mode": "appbrowser",
	  "label": "Contents pages",
	  "pagesToTrigger": "custom",
	  "regex": "https?:\\/\\/([-\\w]+\\.)*\\/contents(\\/.*)?$",
	  "custom": true
	  "mode": "internal",
	  "label": "All pages on my domain",
	  "regex": "https?:\\/\\/([-\\w]+\\.)*\\/.*)?$",
	  "custom": true,
	  "pagesToTrigger": "custom",
	  "url": "https://"
	  "mode": "external",
	  "label": "All Other Links",
	  "pagesToTrigger": "all",
	  "regex": ".*"

When is opened with any method (, location.href, router.push ... ) the app hangs up.
I also tried opening /contents/anything.html, but the result was same.

This happens only on android and the redirect rule was set to "appbrowser" and the domain is same as the origin. (i.e. ios or internal or other domain like <> works fine.)

Cloud you take a look on this?