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Could not GET '****'. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized


I've downloaded the latest "Rebuilt source code" for our app (Android version) to debug something locally and I've discovered that trying to compile it I receive the following Gradle error when trying to run it in debug mode (any mode actually):

Could not GET ''. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized

As far as I can see, it tries to download this dependency from jitpack, maven and, only being available in jitpack at the given URL, but accessing it requires authentication, which we don't currently have access to (nor configured anywhere within the app).

Is there something we're missing / wrongly configured within the dashboard, or should that package be publicly available and it's a temporary issue?

I didn't go further removing that dependency as I'm not sure if removing it causes other issues, so I'd better ask first.
