"Back" button

I need to have a "back button" always visible while using the app. How can I do that? Is it possible to set that up?

Action Needed: Apple Push Services Certificate Expires in 30 Days

Hi, We got this email from Apple. How do we renew this push notifications certificate?

No option to upload a PDF from files on Android

The only options are to either take a picture or view gallery.

Timeout and refresh

Hi, Hoping this should be a fairly simple thing to implement - i need to refresh the content of the website on a trimeout ie. after 10mins of no user input, refresh page. How would I implement this?

Notificaciones Push

Cordial saludo, Me gustaría saber si la configuración realizada es la correcta para generar las notificaciones push automáticas en la APP de Android. Me refiero a si lo que realicé aquí en Median está bien y el resto debe configurarlo en OneSignal, o si adicional a eso hay que utilizar algún desarrollo de código en Android Estudio u alguna otra plataforma de terceros y/o externa. Lo que deseo es que cuando envíe una notificación manual u automática desde OneSignal le aparezca a los usuarios que hayan descargado la aplicación en Android por ahora, superada está etapa, procedería a la configuración de iOS. Quedo atento, muchas gracias.


Is the median.onesignal.setBadge set like so median.onesignal.setBadge(1) or is there another example?

Filenamee package Android manifest.......

Filenamee package Android manifest.....Nazov suboru balika Android manifest....... ..

Links (hrefs) not working on Android

My hrefs, specifically the TEL and MAILTO, do not work properly on an Android device. I currently have deployed two apps using Median and they both have issues with this: 1. I get a popup that says "App is not installed." on one app. 2. The app crashes on the other I have checked the documentation and it doesn't really give much information. Is there something special I need to do? Here is the exact line in HTML (number obviously omitted) <a href='tel:<phone>'><phone></a> Please note, my link-handling rule for "Non-web links", is set to external. In addition, while using the web version this functionality works fine. Please inform me of what I can do to fix this issue.

"The Android App Bundle was not signed." On Google Play Console

I have attempted to upload a new release as I have updated some settings and I am getting the following error when I attempt to upload the AAB file: "The Android App Bundle was not signed." I am using Google Play App Signing, so I thought this would be taken care of automatically. The Median documentation states "Median signs each app with a randomly generated release key. If you need to create release builds from source code, please contact support to obtain your release key." Is there something I am missing here? Do I have to create a new App every time I want to upload a new build?

How to remove the built-in Side Bar which is already on website and replace it with Side Bar Navigation.

Hi, I am trying to figure out a way to remove the side bar which is integrated/built with my website already and replace it with the MedianCo's side bar as it looks much cleaner and gives a mobile app feel. How can I do this?