App crash on iPad via TestFlight - Failed to request default share mode for fileURL
ERROR Messages:
Download private URL in app
what about private URL like a url generated by server like after making an axios request -> blob:http://localhost:5173/8975d372-642e-4059-a748-c57a8ab1031c
recieved after this directive -> const objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
the app won't open the file like this Median.share.downloadFile({ url, filename, open: true }) using JS Bridge Functions
IOS Build issue
Hi team,
IOS Bulid issue
Median team provided refers
Updating Apple server certificates
We recently got this mail from Apple:
[Android] Bottom Tab Bar does not work
Hello there, I'm trying to test the Bottom Tab Bar on the Android device and it doesn't work.
Implementation of service worker
Dear Members,
Incorrect version of website
When making the app, it is picking up a previous version of my website
Service worker based offline page not working
So I had asked a question few days ago about offline functionality and I got the answer of using service worker to cache my resources for offline.
Our app works on Android but not on IOS
After login in iOS shows black screen, in android works, what can be the problem here?