BLOB Downloads Not Working

Hello, I have code that downloads a Blob object which is fetched from the server. I cannot seem to find a way to make it work on the emulator for either Android or iOs. Any help would be appreciated. I have a snippet of my code below: <br /> ```javascript const file = new Blob([blob.body], { type: 'application/pdf' }); const fileURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(file); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = fileUrl; = "fake_filename.pdf"; = '_self'; document.body.appendChild(a);; document.body.removeChild(a); ``` A resulting file URL may look as follows: blob:http\://localhost:4200/d8c93376-cfa0-4cd7-8ab0-1af4619a5c53 I have checked my "Link Handling" settings, but the only way I can seem to make it work is to set EVERYTHING to external. Which obviously defeats the purpose of an app.

Can I hide the sidepanel?

Can I hide the sidepanel-icon in the top-menu-bar with JS?

The app is already deployed. If I change my hosting, will it cause any problems?

The app is already deployed on the App Store and Google Play. Since the app is connected to the website, if I change my hosting, will it cause any problems? Will it stop connecting if I change my hosting provider to a new one?

Does Median offers an API?

Hello, does Median offers an API that can be used as a backend with other software's for integrations? If so, what tier do I need to buy in order to get it?

Blank page using react app.

Hi, We've updated our cache system and the file name is always the same (app.js and app.css). People are still getting white page. It seems that sometimes the app is stuck with old files. Is there any cache or something we should do on Median Platform? We use pnpm and Vite to build. We use React 18+ See <> that was declared answered but it is not, for more information. Thank you.

ios 11 and probably lower

I created an app and downloaded the app ios source to xcode and tried to install it to an older ios device running ios 11. It wasn't possible since the deployment target is 13. When I change this to 11 it brings a lot of compilation errors because many features are not compatible which ios 11. Is it possible to generate the ios code for ios 11 or even probably lower before I download it? Thanks in advance

what to do if an invalid ssl certificate is shown in the app

help in topic

iOS Contextual Navigation Toolbar is showing up after viewing pdf even when disabled

I'm using the window.location.href method to view a PDF but after I close it the navigation toolbar and back button appear and don't go away. We have this disabled in appConfig.

Radio statio

Please help, The player works on all web browsers, here it works, but after a few minutes the player disconnects and the stream stops working

Blank White Screen After Building the app using React

Hi, Sometimes after a build of our React App we get a white blank page and we cannot do anything to get out of it. It never happens on web. This is maybe something relating to app wrap with median with react build. - We use pnpm to build. - We use React 18+ Do you have any ideas of what it could be? Thank you.