How do I enable iOS badge clearing?

When receiving a notification, the badge count is increased automatically. The badge correctly disappears on opening the app. But with every new notification, the badge count keeps increasing, it is never cleared. I have tried setting OneSignal_disable_badge_clearing to NO in the following two places, but it doesn't change anything LeanIOS > Supporting Files > MedianIos-Info.plist OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension > Info.plist

SHA-1 signing certificate fingerprint restricts

I need SHA-1 fingerprint restrictions for my app's signing certificate so that my google registration works

Code to hide the top menu and code to hide the page footer

Please, what is the code you used to hide the top menu and the code to hide the page footer in this explanation video? <>

Problematic application debugging

How do I turn off apk debugging? I have not been able to publish for 2 weeks because of this problem. Please help...

deep linking confusion

Hey there, <br> I have entered "" as the domain for Universal Links / Deep Links. I have created <> I installed the APK on my phone. I have not yet purchased a license -- don't know if that's relevant. When I go to <>, I end up in the browser and not the app. I'm sure I'm missing something -- I just don't know what. All insight and clues welcome! <br>


Hi I'm trying to use oneSignalPushOpened but it doesn't work I've followed the instructions of this ticket <> and the documentation using the bridge without the NPM package and I can't see the data sent, I've tried again but implementing median_library_ready() and the same. After trying everything I decided to install the NPM package, I'll leave my code here but it doesn't work. The last time that I rebuilt the app was 3 weeks ago. ```Text react useEffect(() => { Median.onReady(() => { setIsMedianReady(true); Median.oneSignalPushOpened.addListener(data => { setIsListenerEnabled(true); setData(data); if ("title" in data) { setData2(data.title); } }); }); }, [isNativeApp]); ``` It's hard to find how to implement this because I couldn't find an example in the documentation but finally, I think I'm implementing it correctly. As you can see my code is quite simple and isNativeApp returns true, isMedianReady returns true, but Median.oneSignalPushOpened.addListener() is false so it looks like the addListener is not working. I hope you can help me with this. Thanks

If my app is based on a wordpress website - will updates to the wordpress website also be live in the app

Essentially - will content updates to a wordpress be immediately live in the app, or would I have to push an update to the app store. Stuff like posts, calendar updates etc. I know this is a basic question, and I apologize it it's in FAQ somewhere, but I haven't been searching the site for the answer.

Why is my published app on Google Play Store refusing to open

Hello there, Please i publish my mobile app using as a website tp mobile app converter. My mobile app on the Google Play Store has been reviewed and published on the store. However, when a user opens the mobile application to run on their mobile device, the application opens a link (<>) on the browser and the mobile app crashes and refuses to open. Please, i am writing to know why this is happening and what are the steps to resolve the issue. Thank you for your assistance in advance and i look forward to a response.

We need to get our Google Play going again

Can you please publish the Google Play / Android version again? We are getting reports that it isn't visible on the Play store

I just have a problem I have in the application external download links I want it to go from the application to the browser to download for example Please look into the topic and thank you

I just have a problem I have in the application external download links I want it to go from the application to the browser to download for example Please look into the topic and thank you