IOS Apps Publishing

Hello, Our application converts website to apps but apple has rejected our submission because lack of native features, can you assists?

GoNativeCore.framework" failed: No such file or directory

When trying to build our app (which has long worked in local Xcode) we not see the following: <br> ``` rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/4e1473ee-9f66-11ee-8daf-cedaeb4cabe2/Library/Caches/ [sender=2.6.9] Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code ``` <br> We can provide any information needed to address the issue, but everyone at our company experiences this same issue when trying to build

Demo Page working but can't get my own code to work.

If I open my app and then go to <> it seems to work fine. But If I add this to my start page it does nothing. // Set screen brightness and statusbar styling as soon as page loads function median_library_ready(){ // Set screen brightness to 80% median.screen.setBrightness(0.8); // Set status bar to light mode, red color, with overlay median.statusbar.set({ 'style':'light', 'color':'80ff0000', 'overlay':true }); } This is just copied off of the example pages so I figured it would work.

Screenshots is disabled

How to prevent user from taking screenshot/ screen record in my app

Keep screen on functionality throwing an error on Android

We're using median.screen.keepScreenOn() and median.screen.keepScreenNormal() to control the screen backlight ([doc]( and on iOS it works fine, however on Android when calling these functions via the JS bridge, it throws an error: Uncaught TypeError: median.screen.keepScreenOn is not a function Why is that please?

Payment Page on seperate domain not taking visitor to thank you page after payment made

Website Platform - WordPress Payment Gateway - CashFlow Issue: When a visitor places an order, the payment page loads a hosted payment form on gateway.cashflows/payment. Once payment is complete, it should take the user back to /thank-you. It does this correctly when using the website directly; however, the app takes the user back to /checkout/ even after payment has been made successfully. This results in duplicate payments as it is unclear whether payment has been made. Do you have any guidance on how to resolve this? Thanks

Location Service Documentation Discrepancy

Should I use or According to the documentation found at <>, it specifies However, in the NPM package, I see Which function should I utilize?

Location Service not working in Android when user select - Ask Every Time

In the realm of Android, when attempting to retrieve the location, upon granting permission with the option "Ask Every Time" selected, the permission dialog fails to reappear subsequently; it functions only once. Still changes or not reflacted in the NPM package Ref - <>

Sidebar menu blank

``` function median_library_ready() { let sidebarItems = [{ label: "Google", url: "", icon: "fas fa-cog" }]; alert('library ready called'); // To prove code runs window.median.sidebar.setItems({"items": sidebarItems, "enabled": true}); } ``` I use the above code based on the sample to try to set the sidebar menu items at runtime. I can see from the alert() that the code runs when page is loaded. But the side-menu is always blank - it shows the app icon, but none of the menu item(s). The design-time menu list is blank. If I add design-time menu items, they show up fine. But it is like the setItems() call is ignored. Whatever is set for the design time list is always displayed for the menu, with setItems() having no apparent effect at all. Is there something else I need to do to set the sidebar menu items?

Location Service not working in Android when user select - Ask Every Time

In the realm of Android, when attempting to retrieve the location, upon granting permission with the option "Ask Every Time" selected, the permission dialog fails to reappear subsequently; it functions only once.