Location Services on iOS

Some users refuse to grant access to their location. After denial, the call to 'navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition' hang, even when a timeout is configured. Xcode displays the following error: Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=1. Is there a way to avoid this hang? Thanks!

It does not appear in the Google Sign in Configuration application

Hello, I created an application and the application is now in the Play Store I created a login via Google Sign in Configuration and it works perfectly on the site But Google Sign-in Configuration In the application, it does not appear at all. For your information, I signed the application and it was verified What is the problem? Is it yours or do I have to wait after signing the application for it to appear?

Get current permissions enabled

Is there a way to know if the user enabled notifications permission with the median library?

console.log not working

According to documentation here <>, the simulator should display console.log message. However console.logs are not being displayed in the "appetize" debug logs on the simulator in your app studio. We're trying to debug an issue with downloading files using the median-js-bridge, but it's making it very hard without any real debugging capabilities. Also, when running this example page here <>, the same occurs on both IOS and Android.

CSS on Android slow

Hi there I currently have the issue with the CSS on Android loading really slow hence the elements are not hidden fast enough and I will still see the Navbar and footer. I've read the docs and previous questions and also tried to include a JS right at the top of the page to hide elements with JS if they match the user agent. This still seems to be to slow. How could we improve it? Is there something we missing? Or for what should we look after on our page to speed up the loading, any improvements with blocking / delaying certain parts? Thank you

Native App Install Prompt

Does median support the Native App Install Prompt? Is there an example or do I need to do this myself in Javascript? <> If a user opens my website on their phone, and the app is not installed, it has a native dialog prompt to "Open MyApp in..." Like this: <>

App Settings on iOS

Hello, We are using; to open app settings, as found in: <> It works great on android, however nothing seems to happen in iOS. Is there a special trick to make it work for iOS? Thank you,

can i sign my app using my upload key?

can i sign my app using my upload key? as i am facing the error Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your App Bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again. Your App Bundle is expected to be signed with the certificate with fingerprint

Today's build seems to force "USE NPM PACKAGE" to true

We always get "median is not defined" or "gonative is not defined" in our app.

Healthkit integration

Is there support, or plans to support integration with Apple Healthkit to interact with health data?