I created a new app on Median and somehow the ANDROID PACKAGE NAME is the exact same as an app I created years ago and is already published on the google play store. So now I can not use my abb bundle files on google play console because it continues to conflict with this old app. You can not delete apps from the play store, so I am in a catch 22. I can not change the ANDROID PACKAGE NAME on Median, and I also can not remove that old app from google. Any advise? Here is the google play error "Remove conflicts from the manifest before uploading. The following content provider authorities are in use by other developers:," One other note, I can not overwrite the old app with new abb files because I am getting some SHA1 error.

External links

Can I make it so that the links that lead to my site, opened externally, that is, in the browser? There is an application based on this link <> It is necessary that another link from my site would be opened not in the application but in the browser, namely this link. <> in the section lnternal vs external links are the following parameters for this link <> but it doesn't work, can I ask what I'm doing wrong? I've read the documentation, everything seems to be correct.

Custom CSS

Why after several page transitions, css rules disappear, not triggered immediately, but only after restarting the page? I have read the documentation and found nothing about it. I attach a video of what I mean. <>


Hi , is it possible to make the icons for the buttons colored? That is, I have an icon in svg format, but when I add it to a button it becomes either black or white, can I use the original color ?

[Gallery] - Permision message query

Hello, I am trying to use the camera and gallery option in iPhone. I tried to use the example from go native <> to understand how it works. My questions : - When we use camera, we get a permission pop up as configured in the Permssions tab under "iOS Permission Descriptions" - When we want to access photos in the gallery/camera roll, I dont see any permission message coming up. But in IOS, we need to show a message. I Can you please guide here on adding message when gallery is used ? Thanks.

Can we enable/disable pull-to-refresh from the code script?

I am having trouble where I pull to scroll up, the screen automatically refreshes without reaching the top of the app window. Is there a code script to enable/disable as required?

Sharing just text natively

Hello, I would like to know how can I share only text without having to share an URL <> Is there an option for that?

Support Google Play Version Requirements

When will GoNative/Median update the underlying code to support Google Play version requirements? Our organization would like to know to plan for the next build - thanks.

device info

Hi, I've used the function of gonative to return the device info before but now it's not working. I don't know if that function changed but now when I use or await window.gonative.deviceInfo() either of them return the platform as it was doing before. Has something change?

New google play release

Hi, I have just submitted a new release on Google Play. Everything was successful but it threw me this warning. Could you help me understand what can I do to fix it? Cleartext traffic allowed for all domains Your app's Network Security Configuration allows cleartext traffic for all domains. This could allow eavesdroppers to intercept data sent by your app. If that data is sensitive or user-identifiable, it could impact upon the privacy of your users. Consider only permitting encrypted traffic by setting the cleartextTrafficPermitted flag to false, or adding an encrypted policy for specific domains. thank you