Reset Password Button not working on iOS Simulator

Hi, I noticed that the Reset Password button on my GoNative App does not appear to direct the user to the correct page (this issue only occurs on the iOS Simulator). It appears to work with no issues using the Android Simulator. I did also confirm that it works through Safari on an iOS device. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

How to now Median / GoNative IP addresses ?

We're trying to build an app from our website <>, which is actually in a secured environnement. We have a filter with a list of IP address that we have authorized to access. I'm reaching out to you because I want to know if you can give us the different IP address from GoNative that we could authorize, to properly build our app and keep our environnement secured. I'm available to give you more informations if needed. Thanks a lot.

After shifting to, how can I update gonative app in Playstore? It is showing error - Your APK or Android App Bundle needs to have the package name

Hi I have shifted to Then I updated my app from dashboard and downloaded new AAB file. When I tried to upload AAB file in Playstore, it is showing an error - Your APK or Android App Bundle needs to have the package name How can I update my app in platform to get same package name?

I have an issue with the release of my new version.

Not long ago, I received an email from Median indicating that it was necessary to rebuild the application in order to meet the target API level requirements for apps published on the Play Store. The email simply stated that I needed to rebuild the application and publish the new build on the console. I followed these steps, but my application only targets API levels 21 and higher... Has anyone encountered the same problem and found a solution? Thank you,

Get App release number from website

Hello, Is there a way to get Release number (from the store) of the running app on client side, to monitor this. By Release Number, I mean the one given to the App release on the Android Store or the IOS App Store. At the end, we want to monitor what version users are using. Best regards, Antoine

I need to rebuild and publish the app both for IOS and Android

I need to republish the app (as update) to App and Android Store, which is the way to follow?

App Bundle is signed with the wrong key.

I have created an app and uploaded it to the Google Play console. Now I have updated that app. My question is when I upload the updated .aab file to the Google Play console it throws some error of gigning " error is:---Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your App Bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again. Your app bundle is expected to be signed with the certificate with fingerprint:- SHA1: **:##:###:::####------------------------ but the certificate used to sign the app bundle that you uploaded has a fingerprint: SHA1:##:**:##:####----------------

App Update Required screen

Hi folks When running our app locally, we are being sent to this Force App Update screen. Could you explain why this is being presented? Are we required to update GoNative package in times to times? How can be aware that this might happen? We have made a lot of custom implementations in our side, and doing this update is not so straight forward.

How do I change the language of my application?

Good morning, The content of my application is in French and I would like the rest to be in French For example, the message asking if you want to activate notifications is written in French. Or another example, that when I click on share an article, the half window that opens at the bottom of the iPhone is written in French? How to do this?

image display problem in sidebar menu

Hi I have a problem displaying images in the sidebar menu. In the native-navigation/sidebar-navigation tab I added an image at the top of my sidebar menu although it is not displayed correctly, it is displayed distorted. For what ? Thanks in advance