Package Name Error on Google Upload

Hello - I'm uploading apk file created by gonative and I'm getting the following error: "Your APK or Android App Bundle needs to have the package name" I haven't changed the package name on new version and is the package my license has. Please advise.

Cookies not showing up when first opening app. Only when refreshing the app.

When I first open the app, PHP does not receive cookies from previous sessions. However when I swipe down to refresh the page, PHP get the cookie information. I am using cookies for login information, and this means it shows he is not logged in even though he is. I did a test: set_cookie.php <?php // Set a cookie named "user" with the value "JohnDoe" $cookie_name = "user"; $cookie_value = "JohnDoe"; $expiration_time = time() + (86400 * 30); // Cookie will expire in 30 days // Set the cookie setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, $expiration_time, "/"); echo "Cookie has been set."; ?> I then closed the app, and reopened it, and ran this on the Home page: <?php $cookie_name = "user"; if(isset($\_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) { $cookie_value = $\_COOKIE[$cookie_name]; echo "Cookie value: " . $cookie_value; } else { echo "Cookie not set."; } ?> When I load the app, the cookie isn't set. But when I swipe down to refresh the page, the cookie is now set. I'm sure I've done something wrong, but what are your thoughts on how I cant debug this? Something to do with CloudFlare?

Subscription app for iPhone

My app is a subscription based ecommerce site and it necessary to use the subscription payment software that is embedded in the site. However, it is my understanding that with iPhone subscription apps, Apple requires payment to be made using Apple Pay, in which case my iPhone app would not work. Is it true that Apple requires payment by Apple Pay for subscription apps?

ipdate and publish my app

how do i udate and publish my app on google play store and apple store?

What is the format of the image?

In the branding section, there is a splash screen selection when you launch the app. Is it possible to add an animated screensaver? If yes, what format should the image be in?

What are the requirements for an app to be placed on google play?

After buying a license, how do I put the app on google play? Does google have any criteria or requirements for app placement? Is it possible that I have a license, but the placement on google play was denied?

What's in it for me to buy a license?

Now when installing an application the user has to give permission to install applications from third party sources and during installation an additional notification appears that the installation of the application is not safe, to install it you have to click on the more button and click still install. Will buying a license remove all these notifications?

Camera permissions not working

Good afternoon. I would like to report a problem: When I enable the camera permissions before generating the app it seems not to work. When I open the app in my phone it doesn't request camera permissions, even if I see the app info, it doesn't show any option for that. Taking a look to the code for the android app generated, I think the camera permissions section in the Android manifest file is commented. Thank you for your time.

Hi, currently there are several buttons on my site that make a request for a document and then open that document in a new window. The code works perfectly fine as expected in safari on IOS. However in the GoNative app, the window does not open when clicking on the button. This also works on android via GoNative app, issue is secluded to IOS GoNative app.

CI/CD - Private Repo

We noticed GoNative's use of Cocoapods to handle its dependencies, and we've hit a roadblock with a private repo hindering our project's runtime and build. How can we go about tackling this challenge?