Unauthorized when i created app

Hello, please help me why i create app but it alert me Unauthorized!

White page when start app

Hello, We are facing some client that are having a white page when starting the application. We set up the "no service" page to make sure they know when they don't have access to internet but seems that it is not that. Do you have any idea what it could be ? Thanks

Error: Phasescriptexecution failed with a nonzero exit code

When trying to build the ipa app, this error appears, the instructions on the net are not effective, is it because the Targets Support File folder causes the error? PhaseScriptExecution [CP]\\ Copy\\ XCFrameworks /Users/macbookair/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PhiTien-ftfqiblcnbzmbbgejpstpemxjvla/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/PhiTien/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ (in target 'GoNativeCore' from project 'Pods') cd /Users/macbookair/Desktop/ios/Pods /bin/sh -c /Users/macbookair/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PhiTien-ftfqiblcnbzmbbgejpstpemxjvla/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/PhiTien/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ /Users/macbookair/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PhiTien-ftfqiblcnbzmbbgejpstpemxjvla/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/PhiTien/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ /Users/macbookair/Desktop/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/GoNativeCore/ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

Android Location permission Callback

Hi, How can I determine if the Android user has granted permission or not? Is there a callback function available for the``? ```javascript; ```

Error when i test my ios app

I would like test my app with iOS. When I launch my app into my iPhone, I have a message Alert App update from required. Can you help me for testing my app.

Plaid plugin/sdk version

We are using the plaid plugin to use the native plaid sdks, is there a way to check what version of the sdk this plugin uses? And related, if the plaid sdk has a version upgrade will we be notified if/when the plugin is upgraded?

hide CSS don't work every time

Hello, When I hide CSS elements from my website, they disappear. But sometimes, when loading a page, these CSS rules are not taken into account and my hidden CSS content reappears. Why? Best regards, Raphaël Martin

Redirection when I click on the logo of the Top Bar

Hi I would like to set up a redirect to the main page when a user clicks on the logo of the top bar How can I do this? Yours sincerely Raphaël Martin

Can I build an app without url ?

Hi,we are H5 game developer. I only need to build an app for it ,but don't want to bulid a website. I read almost all document in here.It seems you only support for package one existed website(only build a "special browser" for each website), but can't package resource in app file or can't access them in app package,must get theme from a existed website or CDN . is it that? I found two chinese platform for web2app,them can package h5 files(html,css,js,png,audio etc) to an app,and can access files/resource in client devices via js bridge.But them can't support any feature out of china(admob,google play inApp pay,etc ).[]( []( So,If you can,we are happy to use your service and product

Why can't I upgrade my app

I can't install Instagram and some