How to hide vertical scrollbar on iOS?

Is there a way to hide vertical scrollbar on iOS?

[Android] PDF Viewer issues - PDF protected by password crashes the app

Hi there. In our app we serve some PDFs that are password protected. When these try to get opened, the app crashes as there's no handling done for password protected ones - doesn't pop any input for the password. Crash sample:``` Exception java.lang.SecurityException: password required or incorrect password at at<init> ( at com.rajat.pdfviewer.PdfRendererCore.<init> (PdfRendererCore.kt) at com.rajat.pdfviewer.PdfRendererView.init (PdfRendererView.kt:1) at com.rajat.pdfviewer.PdfRendererView.init (PdfRendererView.kt:1) at com.rajat.pdfviewer.PdfRendererView.initWithFile (PdfRendererView.kt:1) at (PdfViewerActivity.kt:1) at$lambda$12$lambda$10 (PdfViewerActivity.kt:1) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loopOnce ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke at$ ( at ( ``` If there's any other info needed, please let me know. We're waiting for a fix soon in order to re-compile and publish the update. Thanks.

Median protocol

How do you use median protocol for this?, mode); This will go to the new page, but I no longer get the back arrow when I link out from my app to the internet as I did when using gonative. So, I would like to try including mode='appbrowser' window.location.href = 'median://window/open?url=' + url;

What happened to the plug-in pricing page?

![]( There used to be a page that listed pricing for all of the plugins? Why is that hidden now?

App is no longer published on Apple App Store

We are not very familiar with the publishing of this app and it has come to our attention it is no longer listed on the Apple App Store. Could you assist or guide in which direction we should go to see about getting it back up? <br /> Thank you

Android TV Troubles

I had a couple problems with creating a website-app that has a media player, needs the functionality of scrolling down as well as of course clicking buttons, especially when i opened the site, a media player appeared and then i couldnt choose any other options than to pause/unpause the player, i couldnt do ANYTHING else.

Sign In with Apple does not work with Android (though it's working in apple)

Sign In with Apple does not work over Android Simulator (though it's working in apple). Can you please help?

Sign in With Apple doesn't work

I found this info in the official doc: "For users to authenticate with your web service, you must have an existing app in the App Store that uses Sign in with Apple." It is kind of chicken-and-egg problem. Is it possible to get it work? Maybe I need to deploy my app without Sign in with Apple feature and after that enable it? Apple's Doc: <>

This app is powered by median

My app on android always shows a little 'This app is powered by median', I've got the professional license why does this show?

Please add Japanese to Localization

Hello there, I noticed that Japanese is not listed on localization. Could you add it to the list? Regards, Takato