How to generate an AppConfig

I recently joined a team that used gonative to create an app from our web view then got our developer to make changes that would allow it to be published. I am trying to a push notification. However trying to run the application, I get the error that AppConfig symbols not found. and there little or no resources out there. how can i generate a new AppConfig, i get that the entire app is configured using an appConfig.json file what's the format

Lost settings next to an automatic backup by Median Admin

Hello, Is this normal different settings in App Studio have been modified in a revision marked as 'Automatic backup' by Median Admin ? We need to have our settings untouched so we master our build. Best regards, Antoine

Send Data to App via Push Notification

I was trying to add the median_onesignal_push_opened() as stated in <> inside a vue app. It seems like it i can't get the data. Notification is working, i just cant get the result the function. Also I tried window.median_onesignal_push_opened() nothing

DNS setting on the app i created

It's possible to change the DNS into the apk? I want to use the cloudflare DNS for the connection to the site

Enabling Dark Mode for Android App?

Hello all! I successfully enabled dark mode on the iOS app, but I'm having trouble with the Android keypad not switching to dark mode, as shown in the screenshot here: <>. Does anyone know if it's possible to enable dark mode for this as well, and how to do it?

How to Prevent iOS Top Bar from Overlapping HTML/CSS Header in an iOS App?

Hello everyone! I've been working on an iOS application using Median, and I've run into a problem where the app's top header menu, which includes a logo and is designed using HTML/CSS, is getting hidden behind the iOS Top Bar. This issue occurs both in the simulator and in the TestFlight version of the app. I've attached a screenshot below to illustrate the problem. Does anyone know of a way to fix this so that the header appears below the iOS Top Bar? <>

Query in Sharing to Whats app

Hello, I have referred <> to understand the sharing. When I used, I could send url or text to share. Is there a way where we can share image content to show the preview when seen in the what's app. Right now it goes as a link. Also see that it is json that is passed for sending data {url: 'test_link', text: 'test data'} What other params we can pass here ? Thanks

Update my current app

I have filled in all the necessary information in the service tab and I have purchased the update & publish plan. Can you please update the existing app?

iOS SDK OneSignal

hello! I am trying to install the iOS SDK of OneSignal cause I need the OneSignal.User just like the steps below <> I am getting an error such as this after I try to Build. ![](

WebApp Launch

I've a question about my Median's webapp when I scroll through my open app & I see my median's webapp (Cafés Richard & Vins Richard) I have a white page, I don't see my login page Is it normal ? (I can't put a screenshot attachment) Thanks a lot