Hide iOS Status bar text

Hello, Is it possible to hide the status bar text in iOS Median settings? We currently have the status bar set to Overlay. The status bar overlay is working, but we don't want to see the text (time, battery life etc). ![]( ![](

Apple Social Sign In

IOS client id seems not work. What ever the client ID I set. I parsed The generated token aud is still the bundle ID. Dose it should not to be the Client id?

How can we verify the reponse or token in Social Login plugin?

We're using the Social Login plugin (with Google) and we handle it with a server-side redirect - which means we'll parse the data from the idToken. And I wonder how we can verify or ensure that that token comes from Median? ![]( Thanks a lot!

Google Social Login for Android after Package name change

Hello, We recently changed our Android Package name and IOS Bundle ID in Configuration -> Build & Download. We have not released our app yet. Afterwards we updated our OAuth 2.0 Client IDs in Google Cloud with the new Package Name. We also uploaded the app the Google Play store with the new Package name and got a new SHA-1 Certificate by allowing Google to manage the app signing. We updated our OAuth 2.0 Client ID with the new SHA-1 certificate from the google play store, which was found under Google Play Console -> Setup -> App Signing. Currently on our App, the Google Sign in works on IOS; however, Google sign in does not work on Android. We can see in the logs that when we try to sign in with Google on Android it gives error 10, which indicates the developer console is configured incorrectly. Is there any other setting that needs to be changed? Thank you,

Query on installation of the build

Hello, In Gonative dashabord of our app under Permissons - WebRTC Audio and Video - Camera is selected to Disabled. When we build the source for Android, how does the installation work for camera and gallery access ? When we just install the app, we see that our app is shown under "Settings - privacy - Camera - Not allowed apps" in the playstore version of the app. The same when we side load and test, it does not come under Settings - privacy - Camera - Not allowed apps" There is a difference in behaviour of the same source via playstore and side loading. Can you help me in understanding this behaviour ? Thanks

Apple Push Services Certificate

We received a notification from Apple about the Push Services certificate expiring in 30 days. Certificate: Apple Push Services Identifier: Do you all install those certs as part of the annual support and service we subscribe to? If not, please direct me to the proper documentation for that.

Push notification !

hi, i have probleme with push notification, users dont receive it ! i have enabled onesignal in my app and i have add i app ID user have accepted to receive notification after he have installed the app (after installing the app i popup appear to choose if you receive notification or not)

Apple Native Social Javascript Callback

Hi, We use the Native Social Plugin to login with Apple. The javascript callback return a response with an idToken and a code, neither of them work when we try to send it to Login Radius API call. <>. It gives us this error { "errorCode": 1000, "isProviderError": true, "providerErrorResponse": "oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request\\nResponse: {\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"The code has expired or has been revoked.\"}", "message": "An error has occurred at the social identity provider’s end.", "description": "An error has occurred at the social identity provider’s end, please check the ‘providerErrorResponse’ for more details." } So it seems the error come from the provider (Apple) and it doesnt seems to like the code. Do you have any idea of what it could be ?

Page load

Is there any way to slow down the page load speed through the app?

Link Handling

how to make all links that do not belong to my domain open externally?