Does the Go-Native App container comply with Google's Secure Browser's Policy?

The simulator does not appear to comply, however please let me know if the actual app container will comply with Google's Secure Browser Policy? [block:image] { "images": [ { "image": [ "", null, null ], "align": "center", "caption": "See error code above generated from app simulator." } ] } [/block] [block:image] { "images": [ { "image": [ "", null, null ], "align": "center", "caption": "Page displayed when click through on \"Learn More about this Error" } ] } [/block]

internal/external behaves different on android/ios

Hi, folks! I am using the go-native android package: 'com.github.gonativeio:gonative-android-library:1.1.7' and noticing a different behavior when calling gonative.internalExternal.set({ rules: regexUrlList }). for iOS, it works as expected. The object reaches the native side as: { rules: [list] } }. for Android, it seems to reach the native side as: { rules: { rules: \[list] } }. is this is a known bug in this version? asking because we need to be aware of this for users using an old app version. thanks in advance!

Internal/external rules persist on app-update?

Hello! If we change internal/external rules on runtime for a specific app-version. Once folks update the app, which rules will be persisted on their app? The new ones from the native appConfig that are now on the updated app version or the ones that were dispatched on run-time in the previous app version?

gonative.webview.clearCache(); is not working

gonative.webview.clearCache(); is not working

How to do a local iOS build? The instructions and files provided are wrong

Yesterday I downloaded the source files from my GoNative project. I installed Xcode, and opened the .xcworkspace file as directed. I clicked the Run button in XCode and immediately got this error: Pods-APPNAME.debug: undable to open configuration settings file I attempted a `pod install` and got this error: ``` Analyzing dependencies Cloning spec repo `gonativeio-gonative-specs` from `[email protected]:gonativeio/gonative-specs.git` [!] Unable to add a source with url `[email protected]:gonativeio/gonative-specs.git` named `gonativeio-gonative-specs`. You can try adding it manually in `/Users/chrisj/.cocoapods/repos` or via `pod repo add`. ``` This indicates the required pods are not in the downloaded files. Also it appears the referenced Github repo doesn't exist or is not accessible. The main reason I choise GoNative is that it provides native code. We need that as a backup / safety factor so we can always have recourse if there's a problem with GoNative build services, GN goes out of business etc. We need the native build to work. What do you suggest?

Why grey page and total black page show up after the screen launch page?

After the launch screen displays while the app is opening, a grey page and total black page show up before the app landing page opens. Can I remove them or change their color?

Unable to build local ios

We just added the social login plugin to our app and enabled google and apple sign in, however there are two errors stopping the build that we have not seen before. failed to emit precompiled header '.../Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/GonativeIO-Bridging-Header-swift_2N65IRZ8Y1XMX-clang_39X5VEGFO5WUM.pch' for bridging header '.../Downloads/ios 5/LeanIOS/GonativeIO-Bridging-Header.h' and '.../Downloads/ios 5/LeanIOS/GonativeIO-Bridging-Header.h:5:9 'GoNativeCore/GoNativeAppConfig.h' file not found' The app runs fine on the dashboard simulator and android build runs, it just wont run locally for ios.

Push Notifications button actions

How we can add push notifications button actions and handle on react code of genitive ?

what license do i need to publish to the app store?

I currently have the self-serve licence and when I pushed to apple it said i had an error and that the source code from gonative was not licensed. will the Self-Serve Professional license allow me to publish?

Cannot display geoserver iframe inside ios app

Hi, We are looking for web to mobile conversion app and your solution is the best for our project. The only issue we found is we cannot display iframe link from geoserver inside the ios app. Please assist. attached is the link to our apps. <>