Advertising ID - apk

Hello, Please, the apk created on the system is without advertisements. I took the test and found it excellent. As I have to publish on the play store, in the publishing process, can I leave advertising ID unchecked and without ads? Thanks for help

Top Navigation Bar - Dynamic Titles

Hello, I am currently facing two issues with the Top Navigation Bar Title in the Median Dashboard Simulator. 1. On the iOS simulator, the title I set in **Native Navigation > Top Navigation Bar Visual Editor > Custom Title** is not displayed. Instead, the text from **Overview > App Name** is shown. <br /> 2. On the Android simulator, the Custom Title displays correctly. However, the settings for the Dynamic Title are not working as expected. Here is an example of the JavaScript Bridge code I am using for this. ``` if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('median') > -1) { // Set Dynamic Titles on Top Navigation Bar median.navigationTitles.set({ active: true, persist: true, titles: [ { title: 'News', regex: '.*/news.*' }, { title: 'Hello World', regex: '.*' } ] }) } ``` <br /> When I open the **domain/news** page, "News" is shown briefly in the title, but it soon changes to "Hello World," which is the default for **regex: '.\*'**. (I understand that the rules for Dynamic Title are prioritized from top to bottom, but could it be that the Android app is prioritizing the bottom rule instead?) I would like to know if these issues are related to the Median Simulator. Could you investigate this issue? Thanks.

OneSignal keeps disabling

Hello, We've recently tried to update our app and found the following issue: in the dashboard, @Push Notifications, the option "Enable OneSignal" was disabled for unknown reasons since 16 July 2024 (haven't accesed the dashboard since like April). Trying to enable it and "Save Changes", disables it back. Last backup that seems to have the option enabled (which is outdated) is from "Mon Apr 29 2024 11:04:53 GMT+0300". Downloading the source code and enabling it via appConfig.json does nothing (no module is downloaded either like in the older versions). I've also tried fiddling with other options, but no luck. Can you please check out the issue? We wanted to push an update in order to comply with the latest requirements from Google Play services. Thanks.

Top Navigation Bar - Dynamic Titles

I added the following code to handle Dynamic Titles for the Top Navigation Bar: <br /> ``` if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('median') > -1) { // Set Dynamic Titles on Top Navigation Bar median.navigationTitles.set({ active: true, persist: true, titles: [ { title: 'News', regex: '.*/news/.*' } ] }) } ``` When I tested it on the simulator, it worked well as intended on iOS. Specifically, when it matched the condition 'regex: './news/.'', the title displayed as 'News'. However, on Android, it briefly shows as 'News' but then changes back to the default title. Could you help me prevent this issue? Thanks. Woojin Oh

Could not GET '****'. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized

Greetings, I've downloaded the latest "Rebuilt source code" for our app (Android version) to debug something locally and I've discovered that trying to compile it I receive the following Gradle error when trying to run it in debug mode (any mode actually): **_Could not GET '<'>. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized_** As far as I can see, it tries to download this dependency from jitpack, maven and, only being available in jitpack at the given URL, but accessing it requires authentication, which we don't currently have access to (nor configured anywhere within the app). Is there something we're missing / wrongly configured within the dashboard, or should that package be publicly available and it's a temporary issue? I didn't go further removing that dependency as I'm not sure if removing it causes other issues, so I'd better ask first. <br /> <br /> Thanks.

old version of Android AAB

Hello, Please, I made applications using a tool from a company that develops applications, and now I have this problem below. **\*\*** We detected that your app is intended for an old version of Android. To provide a secure experience for users, Google Play requires that all apps meet the desired API level requirements. Starting August 31, 2024, if your desired API level is less than one year different from the latest version of Android, you won't be able to update your app. ****\***** Today I met Median and created AAB to redo the applications. I would like to know if I will not have this same problem, as I marked ADVERTISING ID within the play console content and was asked to disable Android 13 launch errors. (I understood the consequences of not including the permission. gms.permission.AD_ID in manifest file when targeting Android 13 and want to disable version errors) I would like to know if I will have the same problem with an outdated Android version if I launch AAB for closed test analysis. I used free Median to generate the apk and aab. Thanks

Apple refused review because they think it is too similar as web browsing

Dear Median team. We get refuse by Apple and here is their reply: Your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a web browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is similar to the general experience of using a web browser. Including features such as push notifications, Core Location, or sharing do not provide a robust enough experience to be appropriate for the App Store. Can you give me some suggestion? Thank you very much

Permissions afetr upgraded to API 34

After rebuilding my apps to meet the request for API 34, they no longer ask for location permissions on startup. Why is that?

App Updates

If I start with the free tier app, but decide to upgrade later… Can I push an update to the app? How do updates work?

Opening a part of app with AppBrowser

Hello, <br /> I have part of my app build as a static HTML page and tring to open it with a AppBrowser. Following is the setting I have in Link handling. ```json json { "active": true, "rules": [ { "mode": "external", "label": "Non-web links", "pagesToTrigger": "custom", "regex": "^(?!https?://).*" }, { "mode": "appbrowser", "label": "Contents pages", "pagesToTrigger": "custom", "regex": "https?:\\/\\/([-\\w]+\\.)*\\/contents(\\/.*)?$", "custom": true }, { "mode": "internal", "label": "All pages on my domain", "regex": "https?:\\/\\/([-\\w]+\\.)*\\/.*)?$", "custom": true, "pagesToTrigger": "custom", "url": "https://" }, { "mode": "external", "label": "All Other Links", "pagesToTrigger": "all", "regex": ".*" } ] } ``` When <> is opened with any method (, location.href, router.push ... ) the app hangs up. I also tried opening /contents/anything.html, but the result was same. This happens only on android and the redirect rule was set to "appbrowser" and the domain is same as the origin. (i.e. ios or internal or other domain like <> works fine.) Cloud you take a look on this?