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A quick guide to turning your Wix website into an app

TL;DR: Level up your online presence by converting your Wix website into a webview app. Why? Webview app conversion offers improved user experience, increased engagement levels, and compatibility with the Apple App Store and Google Play. How? It’s easy: just follow our handy step-by-step guide.

Did you know that transforming a Wix website into a webview app can unlock a world of revenue possibilities? From improved user experience to increased engagement and push notifications, converting your Wix site into an app allows you to best serve the needs of your community while giving your online presence a major boost. In short, it’s a win-win. 

Best of all, the process has never been easier. To prove it, we'll walk you you through how to turn your Wix website into a webview app step-by-step, ensuring a seamless transition and a powerful mobile presence. Get ready to level up!

Key takeaways:

  • Turning your Wix website into a webview app offers improved user experience, augmented engagement levels, and compatibility with the Apple App Store and Google Play.
  • Prepare for conversion by optimizing for responsive design, mobile-friendliness and streamlined navigation.
  • Use the right app builder to customize your webview app before testing and publishing it. Support & updates plans accommodate hassle-free maintenance and updates.

Understanding webview apps

What’s the deal with webview apps, anyway? We recently published a webview app deep dive on sidebar,  so we’ll keep this rundown short and sweet.  

A webview app is a native application for iOS or Android that uses an embedded browser to render web content within its native framework, providing a better experience for mobile app users. 

But how does it differ from native and progressive web apps?

  • Native apps offer the best performance and access to device features.
  • Progressive web apps are more cost-effective and have easier deployment.
  • Webview apps strike a balance between the two, combining the benefits of native and web capabilities while offering a cross-platform solution.

An app builder like allows you to create a webview app that’s accessible to both iOS and Android users without any coding skills. This means you can convert your website into an app with just a few simple steps, taking full advantage of the powerful features webview apps offer.

Why turn your Wix website into a webview app?

Illustration of a smartphone with a Wix app icon and a website displayed on the screen

Converting your Wix website into a webview app unlocks a ton of benefits, including:

  • Enhanced mobile user experience through mobile apps.
  • Augmented engagement levels.
  • Ability to communicate with users via push notifications on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compatibility with both the Apple App Store and Google Play, enabling seamless downloads and updates for users.

Using an app maker like allows you to seamlessly convert your Wix website into a webview app, maintaining its original appearance while enhancing it with native features and functionalities. Users will get a consistent experience, no matter how they find you. 

Preparing your Wix website for webview app conversion

Photo of a person testing a responsive design of a website on different devices

Ahead of the webview app conversion process, it’s necessary to optimize your Wix website for responsive design, mobile-friendliness, and streamlined navigation.

Let’s dive into these elements  in more detail.

Ensure responsive design

For a webview app, a responsive design is key. It allows the app to adapt and display properly across different devices and screen sizes. This guarantees a consistent and user-friendly experience, regardless of the device it’s being accessed on. 

How do you make your Wix site responsive? It’s easy. 

You can use Wix’s built-in tools like the Responsive Design Tool and Mobile View Editor, or use third-party tools like Bootstrap or Flexbox. Any of these options will allow you  to create a responsive design that adapts to different devices.

Make your site mobile-friendly

For a seamless webview app experience, it’s important to optimize your Wix website for mobile devices. In order to make your site mobile-friendly, you should:

  • Implement responsive design.
  • Create a straightforward menu.
  • Ensure clickable links and buttons.
  • Use larger font sizes.
  • Avoid pop-ups or lightboxes.

These simple (but very important)  tweaks will ensure your site is easy to navigate and interact with on all mobile devices, treating users to an enhanced and engaging online experience whether they’re at home or on the go. 

FYI, you can only modify the mobile view of your Wix website using the mobile editor. It’s always best to check your site on a variety of devices to make sure it displays correctly.

Streamline navigation

For mobile apps, streamlined app navigation is absolutely essential. Simply put, it helps users find what they’re looking for. 

To streamline navigation on your Wix website for mobile app conversion, consider including the following:

  • Hamburger menu
  • Tab bar
  • Streamlining menus and links
  • Testing navigation links

By optimizing your site’s navigation, you’ll create a more enjoyable and user-friendly experience for your mobile app users, encouraging them to stick around longer, dig deeper, and come back for more.

Step-by-step guide: converting your Wix website into a webview app

Illustration of a step-by-step guide with a website turning into an app

Now that you’ve optimized your Wix website for mobile devices, you’re ready to embark on the journey of transforming it into a Wix mobile app. Luckily, this isn’t half as daunting as it sounds. 

The first step?

Choose the right app builder

Selecting the best no-code app builder for your Wix website conversion requires considering factors such as features, ease of use, and support. Cost should also be taken into account. 

While some brands choose to develop their apps in-house, outsourcing app development tends to be more cost-efficient, resource-friendly and timesaving. To find out which option works best for your needs, read more about in-house vs. outsourcing app development here.

An ideal app builder should offer an intuitive user interface, customization tools, device compatibility, seamless app and website synchronization, and automatic updates.

Median’s app builder provides advanced features such as native UI menus, push notification capabilities, and native plugins to access device hardware and third-party services. Median also offers ongoing support and updates to ensure compatibility with the latest iOS and Android releases. 

Customize your webview app

Illustration of customized navigation menus in a WebView app

Once you’ve chosen the right app builder, it’s time to customize your webview app with the following steps:

  1. Incorporate a mobile app icon and splash screen.
  2. Select theme colors that are consistent with your brand’s visual identity.
  3. Add native navigation menus and other personal touches.

Now comes the fun part -  exploring, testing and publishing your webview app.

Test your webview app

Comprehensive testing ahead of publishing is an essential step in creating a polished, professional webview app that provides your online community a consistent, east-to-navigate experience. 

Testing your webview app across a range of devices and operating systems will help you spot any potential issues or inconsistencies that may come up during the conversion process. We understand it may be tempting to skimp on this step to get things moving, but trust us - a little extra time spent here will pay off big time in the long run. 

You can use tools like the Median App Studio to test your app,  getting a realistic preview of what’s to come and addressing any issues before they reach your users. 

Publish your webview app

Once your webview app is ready to go (congrats, by the way), it’s finally time to publish it on the Apple App Store and Google Play. 

The process of submitting your app for review is relatively straightforward, but you’ll need a valid Apple Developer Account and Google Developer Account to submit your app. Make sure your Bundle ID and Package Name match the profiles and certificates set up in your developer accounts before publishing.

After submitting your app, it should generally be live in the Google Play app store within a few hours. 

Keep in mind that during the Apple review and approval process, your website structure must remain unchanged, and your website should be refined and ready for production launch. Find out more about Apple’s webview app review process here. 

By following these steps (and exerting a little patience), you’ll be able to successfully publish your webview app and make it available to users worldwide. Take a moment to celebrate - you’ve earned it!

Webview app maintenance and updates

To ensure your webview app stays compatible with the latest devices and operating systems, regular maintenance and updates are key. No one wants to leave their users struggling to access or engage with their content after a standard iOS or system update. 

Thankfully, you don’t have to do this alone. 

Incorporating a Support & Updates plan will give you access to priority email support, ongoing updates, and a guarantee of compatibility with the latest device hardware for iOS and Android. This ensures a seamless experience for your online community, regardless of updates to devices or operating systems.

 Less stress and more time to build your brand? Sounds good to us.  

Rather DIY? It’s definitely doable, but requires a little extra effort. 

Without a Support & Updates plan, you can still access self-support resources like Median’s documentation and community support portal, as well as receive the source code with a perpetual license for your app. However, investing in a plan ensures your webview app remains up-to-date and provides the best possible experience for your users. 

Integrating push notifications and other features

Incorporating push notifications and other native features can significantly boost the functionality of your native mobile app. Median helps you set up push notifications and native plugins within your app, allowing you to incorporate features that improve user experience and engagement.

Native plugins can offer the following functionality and integration with external services:

  • Native contacts
  • Biometric authentication
  • QR code scanning
  • Document scanning

By integrating these features into your webview app, you can create a more powerful and feature-rich experience that aligns with your online community’s needs.


Converting your Wix website into a webview app can unlock a world of possibilities, including improved user experience, increased engagement, and push notifications. By optimizing your website for mobile devices, choosing the right app builder, and following a step-by-step conversion process, you can create a powerful mobile app that serves your community’s needs and boosts your online presence. 

Don’t miss out on the potential of webview app conversion – transform your Wix website today and experience the benefits firsthand. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a wix website be converted to an app?

Yes, you can convert a Wix website into a mobile app using the Mobile App Builder.

How can I ensure my Wix website is optimized for mobile devices?

Ensure your Wix website is optimized for mobile devices by implementing responsive design, creating a straightforward menu, making clickable links and buttons, and using larger font sizes.

What is the recommended Android Version Name format for my webview app?

For your webview app, it’s  recommended to use an Android Version Name format of x.y or x.y.z (e.g., 1.7 or 2.14.3).

What native plugins can I incorporate into my webview app?

Native plugins such as contacts, biometric authentication, QR code scanning and document scanning can be easily integrated into your webview app.

*DISCLAIMER: This content is provided solely for informational purposes. It is not exhaustive and may not be relevant for your requirements. While we have obtained and compiled this information from sources we believe to be reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy. This content is not to be considered professional advice and does not form a professional relationship of any kind between you and LLC or its affiliates. is the industry-leading end-to-end solution for developing, publishing, and maintaining native mobile apps for iOS and Android powered by web content. When considering any technology vendor we recommend that you conduct detailed research and “read the fine print” before using their services.*
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