iOS 17.4 beta 2 disables PWAs, along with web apps, in Europe only on Safari

Hi, I'll contact you about webapps on IOS I read that Apple has confirmed that it has deactivated the Progressive Web Apps (PWA) functionality on the iPhone home screen in the European Union. Do you have any informations about it ? What about Median wepApp? few sources (in french) <> <> <> <> Thanks a lot

NPM package for median js bridge out of sync with documentation

When checking your documentation here: <> and checking your actual implementation here: <> there's a bunch of stuff which isn't aligned. `, mode)` doesn't take a mode parameter according your implementation here <> Also the way the links should be configured at runtime doesn't align with your documentation. According to your documentation we have to pass an array like: `var rulesArray = [ { "id": 1, "regex": "https?://maps\\.google\\.com._", "mode": "external" }, { "id": 2, "regex": "https?://([-\\w]+\\.)_google\\.com/maps/search/._", "mode": "external" }, { "id": 3, "regex": "https?://([-\\w]+\\.)_linkedin\\.com/._", "mode": "external" }, { "id": 4, "regex": "https?://([-\\w]+\\.)_nytimes\\.com/._", "mode": "appbrowser" }, { "id": 5, "regex": "https?://([-\\w]+\\.)_wsj\\.com/.*", "mode": "appbrowser" } ];` But typescript complains that entries in the rules array should have an `internal` property instead.

Issue with removed OneSignal sunscription id

Hello, when OneSignal subscription is removed programmatically by our backend service from OneSignal, the Median app does not take this into account and continues using the subscription id that is no longer valid. We are looking for a way to trigger the OneSignal plugin to resubscribe to OneSignal to get a new subscription id. Is there an exisiting way to help with this or do you have a related fix in your roadmap?

Remove double splash screen

How to remove double splash screen like Powered by median I need to remove that one

Xcode Validation Errors

This is the first build of this app. Anybody have any ideas? Downloaded latest IOS source code and tried to validate. Getting 3 errors. Asset validation failed Invalid Version. The build with the version “1.3” can’t be imported because a later version has been closed for new build submissions. Choose a different version number. (ID: 86ae7aeb-253b-4f40-89ac-6c9bf4efac55) Asset validation failed Invalid Pre-Release Train. The train version '1.0' is closed for new build submissions (ID: 10f9af8c-11cc-40a4-95e1-f3e40716249d) Asset validation failed This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleShortVersionString [1.0] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously approved version [1.3]. Please find more information about CFBundleShortVersionString at <> (ID: 28c01267-f339-4cd3-bc64-9ae14389da22)

Back button issue

Everything works great in the application. Bu when i open an iframe in the main page and do something in that iframe (e.g. fill a text box) tehn I click the nativa back cutton of the android phone, it shows a gray transparent screen for a while and than says "no connection". What can I do?

OneSignal "Personalized Push POST" API differen iOS/Android

![]( Hello Unfortunately it seems the iOS and the personalized Push Post endpoint sends diferent naming of values: ``` iOS --- { "hardware": "arm64", "oneSignalPushToken": "[redacted]", "oneSignalSubscribed": true, "oneSignalRequiresUserPrivacyConsent": false, "osVersion": "17.0.1", "appId": "app.[redacted].ios", "distribution": "debug", "os": "iOS", "installationId": "[redacted]", "platform": "ios", "timeZone": "Europe", "language": "en-CH", "deviceName": "iPhone 15 Pro", "oneSignalUserId": "[redacted]", "isFirstLaunch": false, "publicKey": "[redacted]", "appVersion": "3.0", "appBuild": "2", "model": "iPhone" } Android --- { "oneSignalRegistrationId": "[redacted]", "appVersion": "1.0.0", "os": "Android", "timeZone": "Europe", "language": "en", "oneSignalUserId": "[redacted]", "publicKey": "nmejkm", "oneSignalPushToken": "[redacted]", "distribution": "debug", "appVersionCode": 209, "deviceName": "Google sdk_gphone64_arm64", "platform": "android", "oneSignalPushDisabled": false, "oneSignalRequiresUserPrivacyConsent": true, "osVersion": "13", "oneSignalNotificationsEnabled": false, "appId": "app.[redacted].android.debug", "model": "Google sdk_gphone64_arm64", "installationId": "[redacted]", "hardware": "google/sdk_gphone64_arm64" } ``` oneSignalSubscribed vs. oneSignalNotificationsEnabled and many more. On Android those values are at least correct it seems but on iOS the **"oneSignalSubscribed"** is always true even tho he is not subscribed or has seen the push permission popup yet. Is this webhook intended solely for the oneSignalUserId or would this be possible to be fixed? Thank you

Auth0 Plugin integration

Hi, we bought the auth0 plugin a while ago, but then shelved the integration due to unresolved issues with the medianBridge as well as other tasks having higher priority. We've started looking into this again and I'm struggling to make sense of how this is supposed to work - simply put we need an accessToken to authorize against our backend, but the loginUniversal() method only seems to return an idToken. I can see that the auth0 endpoint itself does in fact return an accessToken, but this is not passed on by the loginUniversal callback, nor set as a cookie on the headers of the integrated wepapp, so how do we retrieve this? The existing documentation is very barebones and digging through the sources of the medianbridge npm package (in the hope of finding some better documentation there or even a type definition of the interfaces) hasn't yielded any usable information.

please update our apps

our app is out of date for google please update

Do I need to set up a Provisioning Profile for the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension?

![XCode](<>) I've set up the identifier for my app bundle, created the distribution certificate, and generated a provisioning profile for App Store deployment, but I can't build the project. Do I need to create another provisioning profile for the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension? I tried to start the process by creating a bundle ID for the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension, but it wouldn't let me choose the associated Bundle Identifier.