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App Updates

Will my app stop working if it’s not updated?

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  • Your app will function indefinitely on iOS and Android devices supported at the time of launch. However you will likely need to update your app to ensure compatibility with new iOS and Android releases and devices.
  • Your development team can maintain the source code provided when needed or you can subscribe to an App Updates plan from Median, which includes access to ongoing software updates that ensure compatibility.

Will updating my app ensure it meets all App Store compliance policies?

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  • Yes, our latest software updates include all compliance requirements from the Apple App Store & Google Play Store.  All you need to do is rebuild your app in our App Studio and it will become compliant with the latest App Store policies. 
  • If compliance requirements are not met by a specific deadline, your app may not be available for certain devices and Apple & Google may remove your app from the Apple App Store & Google Play store entirely.
  • You can monitor Apple App Store & Google Play Store policies at these links:

What devices are compatible with the latest iOS or Android software versions?

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  • All iOS models compatible with iOS 17 are found here
  • Android 14’s compatibility definition is found here

What do I get with Median’s App Updates plans?

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  • App Updates plans include unlimited access to Median’s App Studio, including the ability to rebuild your app with our latest iOS and Android software updates.
  • Median’s software updates ensure your app is compatible with the latest iOS and Android versions, and compliant with the latest Apple App Store & Google Play policies.
  • Our software updates also include regular performance improvements and bug fixes, as well as new features to add more functionality for your users.
  • If your app includes Native Plugins then your App Updates plan will include software updates for the included plugins. For example:
    • Touch ID / Face ID & Android Biometrics: Support for new biometric hardware
    • In-App Purchases: Integration with the latest billing library version and subscription management functionality
    • Third-party integrations: Updates will include the latest third-party vendor SDK releases
  • Without adding app updates and the purchase of a one-time app license you receive 6 months of rebuilds and software updates through Median’s App Studio.
  • Software updates are detailed in our Release Notes:

When should I update my app?

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We recommend publishing an updated iOS and Android app at least once per year to account for general performance improvements, bug fixes, and to make sure your app functions as expected for all users on the latest iOS and Android software and devices.

However, there are also specific events that may make an app update more urgent:

Major iOS & Android software releases

  • Major operating system releases, such as iOS 17 and Android 14, include significant changes that may affect your app’s core functionality, user interface, and performance.
  • We recommend publishing an updated version of your app when a new iOS/Android version is released to ensure compatibility.
  • You can read about iOS upgrades here and Android updates here

New Apple device launches

  • New Apple devices often ship with new functionality or significant design changes. For example new biometric hardware, new screen sizes, NFC capabilities, etc.
  • We recommend that you publish an iOS update when new device models are launched. This ensures your app is fully compatible with the latest devices and your users don’t face issues when they upgrade. 

Adding native functionality within Median’s App Studio

  • You will need to publish an update for your app if you are using Median’s App Studio to change or add native functionality. This includes adding a new native plugin or editing native features within the App Studio (website overrides, branding, native navigation).
  • Some native functionality, such as native navigation and link handling rules, can be changed dynamically at runtime using the Median JavaScript Bridge. While you can always publish a new version with the configuration changes embedded, making use of the JavaScript Bridge will avoid the need to publish an app update. For more information on the JavaScript Bridge, see here
  • All changes to your web content flow to your app automatically and do not require an update. 

How do I update my app?

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Step 1: Make any required changes to your app in the App Studio and preview your apps in the browser-based mobile device simulators to verify basic functionality.

Step 2: Create a new iOS and/or Android build as required on the Build & Download tab, then click “Rebuild all”. This will rebuild your app with the latest iOS & Android source code.

Step 3: Publish your updated app

  • Once your app is rebuilt you will need to download the iOS and Android files and publish an update to the Apple App Store & Google Play Store. Need help publishing your update? Median offers an App Update Publishing service which can be purchased on the "Services" tab.
  • If you purchase our app update publishing service we can also update your developer account & OneSignal certificates.
    • Users with a Support & Updates plan can access priority email support from our engineering team by clicking the chat bubble on the bottom right within the app studio (circled in the screenshot below).