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Top mobile app benchmarks for monthly reporting to track success

TL;DR: Understanding and leveraging mobile app benchmarks is crucial for driving success. Key metrics such as Daily Active Users (DAU), Monthly Active Users (MAU), retention rates, and Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) provide insights into app health and user engagement. Industry-specific benchmarks, along with tools like Google Analytics, App Annie, and Meta App Events, help developers track and analyze performance, enabling data-driven decisions. Implementing best practices like efficient onboarding, personalized messaging, and strategic push notifications can significantly enhance user engagement and retention, ensuring your app remains competitive in the market.

Understanding how your mobile app performs monthly is crucial for success.

This guide will cover essential mobile app benchmarks for monthly reporting. We’ll explain key metrics, demonstrate industry-specific benchmarks, and share best practices.

By the end, you’ll know exactly what to track and how to use this data to optimize your app’s performance.

Key takeaways

  • Mobile app benchmarks are crucial for understanding an app’s performance against industry standards and guiding strategies for user engagement and retention.
  • Key metrics for evaluating mobile app performance include Daily Active Users (DAU), Monthly Active Users (MAU), retention rates, and Customer Lifetime Value (LTV), which help measure the app’s health and user engagement.
  • Using tools like Google Analytics, App Annie, and Meta App Events can help app developers track and analyze performance metrics, enabling data-driven decisions for continuous improvement and competitive edge.
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Understanding mobile app benchmarks

Understanding the full scope of mobile app engagement benchmarks requires a deep dive into what they represent.

Mobile app benchmarking is not just a mere comparison of figures; it is an in-depth analytical process that reveals a mobile app’s performance against its peers, based on a set of standardized key metrics.

This process is integral to app developers and marketers, providing a rich tapestry of insights amidst the unprecedented competition for user attention.

From retail apps to fitness apps, each app measures success differently. Industry benchmarks are the standards used to measure an app’s standing in the app stores.

Engaging in mobile app engagement benchmarking is the key to unlocking potential growth and positioning your app amongst the stars of the digital firmament.

Tip: Regularly compare your app's key metrics against industry benchmarks to identify growth opportunities and stay competitive.

Key app metrics for monthly reporting

There are several key metrics that developers and marketers need to understand to navigate the mobile app world. These important benchmarks include:

  • Downloads: Measures the total number of times the app has been installed.
  • Daily Active Users (DAU): Counts the unique users who interact with the app daily.
  • Monthly Active Users (MAU): Tracks the unique users who engage with the app over a month.
  • Retention rates: Indicates the percentage of users who continue to use the app over time.
  • Revenue generation: Measures the total income generated by the app.
  • User sentiment analysis: Assesses user feedback and reviews to gauge satisfaction.
  • Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer: Estimates the total revenue a user is expected to generate over their lifetime.

Picture these benchmarks as essential indicators that reflect the overall health and competitive stance of your app in today’s market.

Understanding these figures is critical to successful benchmarking efforts regarding user engagement within apps.

They offer concrete data representing everything from an influx of new users to sustained patterns indicative of long-term active use.

App developers can use this benchmark information to align their apps with industry standards, aiming to not just meet but exceed global digital performance expectations.

Tip: When analyzing key metrics, consistently track both Daily Active Users (DAU) and Monthly Active Users (MAU) to get a comprehensive view of your app's engagement levels. This dual approach helps in understanding short-term user activity and long-term retention trends.

Daily Active Users (DAU)

The number of Daily Active Users (DAU) acts as a key indicator of an app’s daily activities.

This essential figure tallies the distinct individuals who interact with the app on a daily basis, providing insight into the steady core of its user base.

It represents how compelling and engaging an app is by indicating its ability to attract users repeatedly.

An increase in DAU indicates that an app is flourishing and successful at regularly captivating users, enticing them to come back frequently and participate actively.

Monthly Active Users (MAU)

MAU captures the scope of user interaction over a span of 30 days, presenting a wider frame that reflects sustained user engagement and enduring retention patterns.

This metric highlights the difference between short-term use and long-term commitment to the app.

An app with strong MAUs usually means it plays an important role in users’ daily online habits. This can lead to more app downloads as active users keep using the platform regularly.

Retention rate

A high retention rate is essential for the longevity of an app, signifying how well it can maintain user engagement over a period.

This measure reflects not just the app’s ability to attract users, but also its effectiveness in keeping them interested after they’ve downloaded it.

Its importance extends across different areas such as:

  • Enhancing and refining the app
  • Strategizing ways to generate income from the user base
  • Predicting future earnings
  • Being an indicator of both potential growth and how much users connect with what the app has to offer.

Tip: To improve retention rates, focus on delivering consistent value and engaging content that keeps users returning to your app.

Industry-specific benchmarks

Benchmarks tailored to each app category provide a detailed analysis beyond general benchmarks.

These specialized benchmarks break down data by industry and device, offering insights into average ratings, usage frequency, and retention rates for sectors like finance, healthcare, retail travel, and media & entertainment.

App developers gain a profound understanding of audience behaviors through these customized benchmarks.

Each app category has unique characteristics. For instance, a fintech app has different benchmarks compared to a travel app due to distinct business models and user engagement strategies. Fintech apps rely on trust and security, while travel apps capitalize on discovery and curated experiences.

Understanding these sector-specific standards helps app developers devise strategies that resonate with their target demographic.

Additionally, adhering to app store approval processes, such as Google Play Store guidelines and Apple Play Store requirements, is crucial.

Developers must also consider webview app development for seamless publishing to Google Play Store and Apple Play Store (publishing).

Finance apps

Finance apps possess unique performance benchmarks. Within this category, only about 17% of users engage with a finance app ten or more times in the span of a month — highlighting the occasional use pattern that characterizes interactions within these types of applications.

The irregular frequency at which users engage presents clear opportunities for strategies aimed at boosting user engagement and retention. Enhancing these areas can significantly improve an app’s overall performance.

Grasping these distinctive benchmarks is essential to navigate a finance app towards achievement amidst stiff competition in the market landscape.

Tip: Boost user engagement in finance apps by offering personalized financial insights and alerts.

Healthcare apps

The engagement behaviors of users with healthcare apps, which have the capacity to improve health outcomes, show distinctive usage trends.

Although a significant 72% segment of these app users open them five times or less in a month, there exists an enormous chance to enhance user involvement.

Inquiring whether users love the app through a straightforward yes/no query can result in an exponential increase in the retention rate over 90 days.

Such notable transformation highlights how emotional ties and user perception are influential factors for continuing active participation with healthcare apps.

Tip: To boost user engagement in healthcare apps, consider incorporating features like personalized health tracking, reminders for medication or appointments, and interactive content that educates users about their health.

Retail apps

Despite many users accessing a retail app occasionally, there exists a steadfast minority who engage with the same app ten or more times over the span of 30 days.

This variation underscores the necessity for product strategies that address not only temporary visitors but also committed customers.

App developers specializing in retail can leverage insights from these established engagement and response benchmarks to enhance the customer journey within their apps — transforming casual users into regular clients.

Tip: Enhance retail app engagement by offering personalized product recommendations and exclusive discounts.

Travel apps

For travel apps, user engagement is measured by how often a user interacts with the app, whereas user retention showcases the capacity of an app to preserve its user base consistently.

Given that many users only use these apps infrequently, there’s considerable scope for improving strategies aimed at fostering greater involvement.

By amplifying the level of interaction among users, it is possible to boost the retention rate — a critical indicator for any app in this category — signaling success within the competitive market landscape of travel apps.

Tip: Enhance user engagement in travel apps by offering personalized travel itineraries and real-time updates on flight statuses and local attractions.

Media & entertainment apps

Apps that provide media and entertainment content successfully engage their audience through a variety of offerings.

These applications boast an impressive 90-day average retention rate of 60%, reflecting strong user engagement.

Yet, considering that two-thirds of the users open these apps five times or less within the first month, there’s potential to secure consistent user interest.

Developers who take into account these performance benchmarks and adjust accordingly can improve their app’s ability to retain attention.

This optimization is key for boosting ‘stickiness’, ensuring users remain actively engaged with the app on a regular basis.

Tip: Increase user retention in media apps by offering personalized content recommendations and timely notifications for new releases.

Tools for tracking and analyzing benchmarks

Without the right tools, benchmarking is ineffective.

Essential tools like Google Analytics, App Annie, and Meta App Events are crucial for measuring mobile app performance metrics. They provide insights into user behavior and app interaction.

These resources guide developers by delivering real-time insights and customizable dashboards for in-depth evaluation of key performance indicators.

As technology advances, so do these analytical tools. App Annie’s Mobile Performance Score offers a comprehensive approach to measuring multiple KPIs, while Google Analytics integrates seamlessly with Google Ads to assess advertising efforts.

Each tool provides a unique perspective, enabling app developers to gain a thorough understanding of their app’s usage patterns and overall effectiveness in engaging users.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics serves as an important tool for real-time monitoring of app usage and metrics related to user engagement.

It offers comprehensive insights into the duration of sessions and scrutinizes acquisition channels, granting a broad perspective on the user’s navigation through the app.

Google Analytics provides extensive demographic information on users and tailored reports, helping app developers make informed decisions to drive their apps towards success.

Tip: Use Google Analytics' cohort analysis feature to track user behavior over time. This can help identify patterns in user retention and engagement, allowing for more targeted improvements to your app.

App Annie

App Annie acts as an observational lens, presenting a clear view of the competitive waters that host various competing applications.

It provides app developers with a rich source of knowledge about their competitors’ performance and trends in app rankings, empowering them to:

  • Navigate their path within the marketplace
  • Discover potential opportunities
  • Make decisions based on data analysis
  • Remain at the forefront of competition

By collecting extensive metrics including download numbers, Monthly Active Users (MAU), and generated revenue, this platform provides developers with vital data needed to evaluate how well their apps are performing and plan their strategies effectively.

Tip: Use App Annie's competitive analysis features to keep an eye on your competitors' performance. This can help you identify market trends, uncover new opportunities, and refine your app's strategy to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

Meta App Events

Meta App Events offers a powerful suite of tools to track and analyze user interactions within your app.

This platform allows developers to capture detailed information about user behavior, including in-app purchases, app launches, and other key engagement metrics.

Meta App Events provides comprehensive analytics dashboards, enabling developers to gain valuable insights into user journeys and identify areas for improvement.

With a strong focus on user privacy, Meta App Events ensures that all data is collected and analyzed in compliance with stringent privacy regulations.

By leveraging Meta App Events, developers can enhance the overall user experience, optimize app performance, and drive higher engagement and retention rates.

Tip: Use Meta App Events to track user behavior and optimize your app's performance by identifying key engagement metrics and areas for improvement.

Best practices for improving mobile app engagement

A variety of strategies are employed to ensure that users not only download an app but become loyal users. Key tactics to enhance user engagement and retention include:

  • Simplifying the sign-up process
  • Implementing efficient onboarding
  • Segmenting the audience
  • Crafting personalized messaging
  • Adding a social component
  • Using email to re-engage users

Gamification and the continuous testing of in-app engagement tactics are also essential. By using rewards and challenges, app developers can boost user interaction.

Regularly review and adapt engagement strategies to keep the app relevant and appealing to users in a dynamic digital environment.

Efficient onboarding

The onboarding experience shapes a user’s first impression of an app.

Developers can make this process smooth by providing a clear interface, highlighting the app's benefits, and ensuring easy navigation.

To keep users happy and reduce early drop-offs, introduce essential features without overwhelming them, offer in-context instructions, and allow customization during initial use.

Tip: Simplify onboarding by breaking it into easy steps, using interactive tutorials, and offering customization options to make the app feel personal from the start.

Personalized messaging

App developers can enhance user experience by customizing messages based on each user’s activities and preferences.

Personalized messaging aligns communication with users' interactions, creating an engaging and relevant experience.

This approach guides users to features and content that are most beneficial to them, boosting engagement and strengthening their connection to the app.

Tip: Use personalized messaging to align communication with each user's interactions and preferences, enhancing engagement and relevance.

Push notifications

Push notifications help attract users back to the app. Personalize them with the user’s name and relevant suggestions to reduce abandonment.

Use them carefully to avoid overwhelming users and driving them away.

To effectively use push notifications:

  • Personalize content: Address users by their name and provide relevant suggestions based on their activity.
  • Timing matters: Send notifications at optimal times to maximize engagement without intruding.
  • Frequency control: Avoid overloading users with too many notifications to prevent app abandonment.
  • Clear call to action: Ensure each notification has a clear and compelling call to action to drive user interaction.
  • Segmentation: Tailor notifications to different user segments to enhance relevance and effectiveness.

By following these guidelines, push notifications can significantly enhance user engagement and retention.

Tip: Use push notifications to provide timely, relevant updates that encourage user engagement without overwhelming them.


Mobile app benchmarks are essential for guiding app developers and marketers toward success.

Understanding key metrics like Daily Active Users (DAU), Monthly Active Users (MAU), and retention rates helps establish clear objectives.

Using industry-specific benchmarks and analytical tools like Google Analytics, App Annie, and Meta App Events enables continuous improvement.

By leveraging these insights, you can enhance user engagement and app performance effectively in a competitive market.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the significance of Daily Active Users (DAU) for mobile apps?

The measurement of Daily Active Users (DAU) is critical for mobile apps as it gauges the unique users who interact with an app daily, offering insights into the regularity and retention capabilities of its user base.

Such insights are invaluable to app developers by aiding them in comprehending their app’s performance in terms of user engagement.

How do industry-specific benchmarks differ from general benchmarks?

Specific industry categories offer a comprehensive outlook on app performance, showcasing distinctive patterns in user engagement and retention, whereas general benchmarks deliver a wider but less customized overview of how an app is performing.

Why is retention rate important for mobile apps?

The retention rate is a crucial metric for mobile apps as it offers valuable insights into the value of the app, the loyalty of its users, and possibilities for optimization along with forecasting revenue. This rate reflects the proportion of users who maintain their engagement with an app over a period.

Can benchmarking data influence the design of an app?

Yes, benchmarking data can guide app design by identifying areas for improvement and informing decisions to enhance user experience and performance. Trusting in this data can lead to positive design adjustments and overall app improvements.

How can push notifications affect user engagement?

Leveraging customized push notifications thoughtfully can draw users back by delivering relevant content and updates at the right moments. Excessive use of such notifications might result in diminishing user engagement.

It’s crucial to be considerate about how often and what you communicate through push notifications to keep user engagement high without inundating your users.

*DISCLAIMER: This content is provided solely for informational purposes. It is not exhaustive and may not be relevant for your requirements. While we have obtained and compiled this information from sources we believe to be reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy. This content is not to be considered professional advice and does not form a professional relationship of any kind between you and LLC or its affiliates. is the industry-leading end-to-end solution for developing, publishing, and maintaining native mobile apps for iOS and Android powered by web content. When considering any technology vendor we recommend that you conduct detailed research and “read the fine print” before using their services.*
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