In-App Messages
The OneSignal iOS and Android SDKs include an In-App Message feature that embeds a native UI with functionality supporting a range of use cases. Refer to the OneSignal documentation for more information on use-cases and sending in-app messages.
Within the Median OneSignal integration the following In-App Message SDK Methods are supported via the Median JavaScript Bridge. For the underlying functionality of each consult the OneSignal In-App Message documenation.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
median.onesignal.iam.addTrigger({key: value}); median.onesignal.iam.addTriggers({key1: value1, key2: value2}); median.onesignal.iam.removeTriggerForKey(key); median.onesignal.iam.getTriggerValueForKey(key); median.onesignal.iam.pauseInAppMessages(); median.onesignal.iam.resumeInAppMessages(); median.onesignal.iam.setInAppMessageClickHandler("function_name"); // provide a text string with the name of the function to be called
Updated 3 months ago
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