Deep Linking
Set up Deep Linking within your app and notification links will automatically open directly into your app.
JavaScript Bridge Functions
Prompt for Push Notification Permission
Request Push Notification permission. This will show a dialog for users to confirm permission. For Android, the dialog is only shown on Android 13 and above. In Android 12 and below, permission will always be granted without user intervention.
For this function, provide a callback function or otherwise a promise is returned.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
median.cordial.requestPermission({'callback': function});
Check Push Notification Permission Status
For this function, provide a callback function or otherwise a promise is returned.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
median.cordial.permissionStatus({'callback': function});
Set Contact
Register a new user or update an existing user.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
median.cordial.setContact({ primaryKey: "[email protected]" });
Unset Contact
Logout the current user
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
Updated about 1 year ago