Deep Linking
Set up Deep Linking within your app and notification links will automatically open directly into your app.
Developer Demo
Display our demo page in your app to test during development
Median integrates the native iOS and Android SDKs from MoEngage. The SDK is configured to use APNS Auth Keys (iOS) as well as FCM Authentication (Android). To learn more about the key generation and configuration in your MoEngage dashboard please follow the links below.
MoEngage - APNS Authentication Key
JavaScript Bridge Functions
Prompt for Push Notification Permission
Request Push Notification permission. This will show a dialog for users to confirm permission. For Android, the dialog is only shown on Android 13 and above. In Android 12 and below, permission will always be granted without user intervention. The functions below can be used to manage push notification permissions for MoEngage across Android and iOS.
For this function, provide a callback function or otherwise a promise is returned.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
median.moengage.promptNotification({'callback': function});
Check Push Notification Permission Status
For this function, provide a callback function or otherwise a promise is returned.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
median.moengage.notificationEnabled({'callback': function});
Set UniqueID
Set a unique ID for a user to identify the user across all installs and platforms.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
Set Alias
Update the unique ID for a user.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
Reset User
Reset unique ID and data for a user.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
Log Event with Data
Logs an event with a payload. The payload can be freely set and include multiple key-value pairs.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
median.moengage.trackEvent(eventName,{ key_1: 'value_1', key_2: 'value_2' });
Log Event without Data
Logs an event without any payload.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
Notification Center
Launch the user notification and subscription center.
↔️Median JavaScript Bridge
Updated 6 months ago