Localized Tab Menu


You can localize labels on Median's Tab Menu when using the Dynamic Tab Menu feature. This requires retrieving the user's language settings and rendering the labels based on a translation dictionary. The sample code provided below demonstrates how to translate a basic bottom tab bar into five languages: English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian.

Implementation Guide


Developer Demo

Display our demo page in your app to test during development https://median.dev/tab-bar-navigation/localized-nav

JavaScript Implementation

↔️Median JavaScript Bridge

// Get the user's language
let userLanguage = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
let languageCode = userLanguage.split('-')[0];

// Function to localize the tab items
function localizeTabItems(tabItems) {
   // Define translations for the labels
   const translations = {
'en': {
    'Tab 1': 'Tab 1',
    'Tab 2': 'Tab 2',
    'Tab 3': 'Tab 3'
'fr': {
    'Tab 1': 'Onglet 1',
    'Tab 2': 'Onglet 2',
    'Tab 3': 'Onglet 3'
'es': {
    'Tab 1': 'Pestaña 1',
    'Tab 2': 'Pestaña 2',
    'Tab 3': 'Pestaña 3'
'de': {
    'Tab 1': 'Register 1',
    'Tab 2': 'Register 2',
    'Tab 3': 'Register 3'
'it': {
    'Tab 1': 'Scheda 1',
    'Tab 2': 'Scheda 2',
    'Tab 3': 'Scheda 3'

   // Get the user's language
   const userLanguage = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
   const languageCode = userLanguage.split('-')[0];

   // Check if the translations exist for the user's language
   const userTranslations = translations[languageCode] || translations['en'];

   // Update the labels in the tabItems array
   return tabItems.map(item => ({
label: userTranslations[item.label] || item.label

const tabItems = [
icon: "fas fa-cloud",
label: "Tab 1",
url: "javascript:alert('You selected tab 1')",
icon: "fas fa-globe",
label: "Tab 2",
url: "javascript:alert('You selected tab 2')",
icon: "fas fa-users",
label: "Tab 3",
url: "javascript:alert('You selected tab 3')",

// Localize tab bar items
const localizedTabItems = localizeTabItems(tabItems);

// Render bottom tab bar
function median_library_ready() {
   median.tabNavigation.setTabs({ enabled: true, items: localizedTabItems });

Tab Bar Localization Demo

Bottom Tab Bar Localization Demo

Bottom Tab Bar Localization Demo