Common Xcode Issues

Invalidating grant <invalid NS/CF object> failed

This error typically appears when there’s a failure in releasing or invalidating system resources, often related to macOS or iOS system calls, particularly within Core Foundation or Cocoa (NSObject) APIs. This is usually harmless and can be ignored unless it causes repeated crashes or abnormal behavior in your app.

Although this error may seem alarming, it often does not impact the functionality of your app. However, if the issue persists or leads to app crashes, you can try the following steps:

Delete Xcode derived data

You can manually remove derived data to reset your build environment.

Run the following command in Terminal:

e.g. rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

Reset simulator (if using a simulator)

  • Open Simulator.
  • Select Device > Erase All Content and Settings.

Uninstall and reinstall Xcode.

If the issue persists after following the above steps uninstall and reinstall Xcode to ensure a fresh installation of the entire environment.

Error: Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

This error usually results from local dependency issues such as outdated or incompatible CocoaPods.

Follow the steps below to troubleshoot and fix this error:

Install latest the Xcode and macOS updates

Ensure you are running the latest non-beta versions of Xcode and macOS.

Downgrade Xcode if necessary

If the latest Xcode is not working and all other steps here are not successful then we recommend downgrading the the most recent minor version release. These Xcode installers are available under Additional tools on the Xcode Resources page.

Clean Xcode build folder

Select Product from top menu -> click Clean Build Folder.

Delete Xcode derived data

You can manually remove derived data to reset your build environment. Run the following command in Terminal:

e.g. rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

Update CocoaPods

Outdated CocoaPods may cause compatibility issues. To update CocoaPods, use the following command:

e.g. sudo gem install cocoapods

Re-download and extract your iOS source code

If the issue persists after following the above steps, rebuild your app on the Median platform. After rebuilding:

  1. Download and extract the new ios_source.tar.gz file.
  2. Open the .xcworkspace file and do not open the .xcodeproj file.


Open .xcworkspace not .xcodeproj

Median uses Cocoapods (or "pods") as a dependency manager. To ensure all dependencies are correctly integrated always open the workspace file <yourapp>.xcworkspace and not the project file <yourapp>.xcodeproj.